Cakes are made with love, for the people that we love. The expectation and the smell of a freshly baked cake create a magical atmosphere in the kitchen. There is nothing like a beautiful cake after school, next to a warm cup of tea, after a lovely dinner or simply just as a surprise for dear friend.

My friends often tell me, that they never bake. They say it’s too complicated.

But I don’t believe that’s necessarily true, and that believe is reflected in my books. If you look pass the time in the oven, it takes no time to prepare a lovely cake. You can even prepare some cakes or desserts the day before for example dinner party with friends. This can create peaceful atmosphere, and thereby avoid unnecessary stress, on the day of the dinner party.

I don’t believe that lots of kitchen equipment is essential. Less is better. You should never let the lack of kitchen equipment hold you back. I myself only have a food processor in my kitchen, which is more than enough for me.

For me the most important is the joy of baking and fresh ingredients. I don’t restrain myself by the rules of what’s healthy and what’s not. I believe that if you use fresh ingredients cakes and desserts are not the worst you can eat, just the opposite.

For me the joy of baking is almost like mediation. When I am in my kitchen, surrounded by flour and spices, I completely forget the world around me. The smell of a freshly baked cake can make me completely high on life.

I’ve chosen not to classify my book in seasons, but sure the aroma of the blackberry pie is stronger in August/September, when the sun sweetens the blackberries.

I believe that it was my grandmother who boosted my joy for baking when I was just a little girl. She had an amazing garden in Fredensborg, which was home for all sorts of different berries and fruits. I used to wander around the garden for hours, eating all of strawberries, mirabelles and nuts. To me the garden was magical. My grandmother would always have a cake in the oven, and she would always let me help her in the kitchen. Together we made rhubarb compote, apple pie, warm buns and strawberry jam. All of these lovely smells will always stay with me, and I hope to pass these on to others.